05 June, 2010


what happened to NTs are Weird, I'm really sad

(I know it's been gone for quite a while but I guess I just kept thinking it was about to come back, but then it never did.)


  1. He got sick of the drama/bullying/stalking/related-BS in the autistic community and left. He's still around some places but just couldn't handle that crap anymore as a blogger.

    Oh and hi I'm new to your blog, I just subscribed to it after finding it in AnneC's blogroll.

  2. Hi! I like your stuff a lot. I was actually thinking about it yesterday, specifically a piece you wrote where you were saying that self-advocacy can be biting someone.

    I was thinking about it because I feel like there are a lot of campers who I see wearing shirts that say SABE and Green Mountain Self-Advocates, but a lot of the time if I try to talk to them they don't really seem to be aware of the tenets of self-advocacy. I feel like Vermont is weird because in Ohio, there just seems to be no acknowledgment of self-advocacy among the people with ID who I know, but in Vermont it seems like all these terms--person-first language, self-advocacy, etc.--are referenced a lot, but they don't necessarily tie into what people with developmental disabilities are doing or experiencing.

  3. I'm sorry the site is gone because I found his life management tips so helpful. I just discovered he's gone because I wanted to re-read some of the tips. I wish he'd at least left those up because they were helping me get things together better and I'm sure they were helping lots of other people do the same.
